George Risca

Mesh Modeling:

I've always been interested in video game creation. In this case I wanted to delve deeper into character modeling, making clothing items, animations, skeletal rigging, hit boxes, and creating a playeable character.

I sculpted the main character using Zbrush. First by modeling the basic body shape and proportions, and then sculpting the finer details. Zbrush has very nice features for mesh modeling. In this case with clothing, I was able to select different fabric styles and then do a dynamic cloth simulation. This is how all the wrinkles were created. It adds a lot of character compared to a basic mesh modeled by hand. The beard was created with Blender, although I didn't pursue it much further. Once the model was finished I used Zbrush to create a texture map for the game engine. Then I used Adobe Mixamo to easily generate a skeleton for our mesh. From here I started importing the model into our game engine: Unreal Engine 4. The easiest way to get a playeable character was to use one of the demo game projects and swap out the stock mannequin character with our character. They also have features for dynamic meshes, meaning you can make clothes that are affected by movement. I tried this with a simple cape.

Here are some of the photos and videos from the project. I apologize for the capture quality. Unfortunately, after switching computers I lost all the files from this project, so everything I have is taken from my phone gallery. I spent a lot of time working on this project and still wanted to share my work.

